Krista's Story

Please click here to read about Krista's wonderful life.......

Friday, April 29, 2011

Plant Your Own Kiki's Garden

In honor of Krista on her birthday, today April 29th, we are asking all who love her to plant a Kiki's Garden for her this spring.  It could be a large vegetable garden, a small butterfly garden or even one potted sunflower.  Whatever the size or make up your garden, please think of Krista as you watch it bloom and grow.  If you would like to send us a picture of your garden, we will post it on the new Kiki's Garden website.  It is our goal, as we get the Kiki's Garden, The Krista Weller Burns Foundation off the ground, to have Kiki's Gardens all over the globe honoring our beautiful angel.  Peace to all.

Please email all Kiki's Garden photos to kikisgarden(AT)hotmail(DOT) com
Check out the soon to be foundation's website at